Wanted rest after spinning and shower, my leg muscle still feeling tight, I thought go to do the massage.
There are 3-4 ladies there, they didn’t massage my legs which is what I wanted, they only do back and shoulder and arm, but it’s ok, I just need some stretching and I can do something myself with the leg.
asked about hair cut, told me to go back in 10 mins to check if any slot available
as all the slot been booked, they said only if someone not turning up, I can have, I think better have a snap before lunch as I didn’t sleep well last night.
you can see creators live, in elevator, corridor, anywhere….

Had 1 hour sleep, went to lunch at 1.30pm, the table I used to sit, full of creators.
I sit a table another end, there was an Spanish guy doing live. after I finish, saw a lady doing her live and dancing making pose etc. I told her she is really good, she shake hands with me and said thank you.
Also I saw the 6th Chinese, and another agency for Vietnam. no exceptions.
3.15pm now, will leaving hotel to the awards venue in 1 hour, don’t know where it is. will doing live….