I tried to sleep early, but wake up midnight, wanted to update blog.

there are some activities from Indulge

I booked the group riding, will leave hotel at 8am, activity starts at 9am at the King of Gyms, 1Rebel Victoria
need some more sleep, then go to breakfast….
I sit at the same table for Breakfast, a girl from was live streaming in Japanese, and met another couple of Chines, no surprise that they’re another agency from China, and my Home Town, best agency in Thailand.
Now I’m waiting in the live lounge waiting to go to gym for spinning. and doing my live @woohoowu

in the live lounge, each side hanging some clothes, when i arrived I already got a t-shirt of Aelfric Eden which is for the ridding, and also they have a gift bag with £200 voucher, just heard from the staff, these 2 brands are from China.
just saw another lady, she is agency from the US, asked her about what happens after 19th Jan, she not sure.
short chat with another guy from China in the corridor before leave, as guessed, another agency for Middle-Asia.

There are over 20 registered for spinning, but only me turned up for the big bus. after I arrived the gym, I was told another creator will come, it’s about 2-5mintues away by the big bus.

arrive the gym , the spinning was great. few clips down.

I also booked for a massage and hair cut, I’m not sure I will get those. will check after, my legs did crumbed after I get on the bus, possibly due to the cold when I walk to the bus with shorts on, about 50 m away.