I went to dinner around 7.30pm, can see more creators streaming when eating. I went to the live lounge again, and can see more creators in there, share some videos below.

Top 400 creators are invited to be here, and top 5 agencies from each region are invited, head of each agency are supposed to be here, I’m here on behalf of head of New Hope, New Hope is one of the best agency worldwide.

Saw the guy using 3 phones live, but found out later that, another 2 creators went to get more food, put their phones there.

On my left, the lady is from California, I asked her what will happen after 1th January when tiktok banned in the US. she said, she won’t know.

On my right, a gentleman from France, another Chinese guy is Agency Owner from China. also met another lady agency owner from China at lunch time, she said, if Chinese are agencies.

as I booked gym activity for tomorrow morning,I will need to get up early, so need go to bed early, before go to bed, I went the FEST Lounge around 10pm, it was closed, so I went to the hotel bar, can see some of the creators doing live there.

Good night, will keep updated tomorrow.

By WuWuWu

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